Vestiti d'Arte

Art is an expression of who we are. Fashion is a channel through which we present ourselves to the world.

Wearing art means expressing ourselves through art. Rediscovering artworks and ourselves through them.

My name is Amélie, I am half Italian and half French. 


In 2021 I returned to Rome and started realizing a dream conceived during the lockdown in Paris: to bring people closer to art, bringing the paintings alive out of museums, close to us, on our clothes. 


Vestiti d’Arte was born by creating unique pieces that could re-establish the direct contact between art and people.

Creando pezzi unici che potessero ristabilire il contatto diretto tra l’arte e le persone è nato Vestiti d’Arte.

Prêt-à-Porter Collections

The collections are a journey to (re)discover an artist through a selection of works reinterpreted in unique hand-painted clothes.


The artist’s technique is carefully studied and readjusted to convey the essence of the original works on the fabric.


Each garment is a unique creation entirely hand-painted –a story told in the language of shapes and colors.


Customs are the meeting of a person and an artwork.

Let’s co-imagine a wearable painting that expresses your uniqueness.